Sexual Health Monitoring: Recommended if you are sexually active and want to perform a comprehensive check.
New Partner: Advisable if you enter a new sexual relationship and wish to ensure both parties are free from common sexually transmitted infections.
Doctor's Recommendation: Take this test if advised by a healthcare professional.
Special Instructions: Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) may not be immediately detectable following exposure; this interval is known as the window period. It is advisable to wait three to four weeks after potential exposure to the disease before undergoing this test to ensure more accurate results.
HBsAg is a protein on the surface of the hepatitis B virus and serves as an early indicator of infection. The antigen can be detected in the blood as early as one week after exposure to the virus, but it may take up to 9 weeks for it to become detectable. For those who are testing at home, it is recommended to wait at least 4 weeks after a potential exposure before taking the test to ensure reliability.
It's also important to be aware that a positive HBsAg result can occur within 30 days of receiving a hepatitis B vaccine, as the vaccine contains HBsAg to elicit an immune response. This does not indicate an infection but rather a transient positive result due to the recent vaccination.
Retesting: If the test is negative and there's still concern about potential exposure, a retest is usually advised several weeks later to ensure accuracy, as antibodies may take time to reach detectable levels. This screening test is NOT definitive for diagnosing Syphilis, HIV, and Hepatitis B. If your result is reactive, additional testing will be necessary for a conclusive diagnosis.
Refraining from Sexual Activity: Until you receive your test result, it is prudent to refrain from sexual activity to prevent any potential spread of the infection, especially if you have reason to believe you may have been exposed to sexually transmitted infection (STI) or if you have symptoms suggestive of an STI.
Do NOT urinate at least 1 hour prior to urine sample collection.
Do NOT cleanse the genital area before urine sample collection.
The urine sample should be collected from the initial stream of urine in the morning.