Navigate Your Wellness Journey

Prioritize Your
Immune Health

Allergies can be sneaky culprits causing discomfort and disrupting your daily life.

Celestas is committed to helping you unmask hidden allergies, be it environmental or food- related, enabling you to thrive with improved comfort and wellness.

Take charge of your environment and diet and breathe easy with Celesta.

What does celesta have to offer?




Be Your Ally in Wellness

Unlock the Power of Clarity:

Allergies can greatly influence your comfort and quality of life.

Our easy-to-use at-home tests grant personalized insights into potential allergens, paving the way for proactive adjustments.

Stay informed, decipher your body’s responses, and make strategic lifestyle choices, with a telehealth provider readily available for a comprehensive care experience.

At-Home Women’s Health Assessments

Empower Your Wellness Journey


American cockroach, German cockroach

Tree Pollen

Acacia, Alder, Arizona Cypress, European Ash, Beech, Cottonwood, Date palm, Elm, Hazel, London Plane Tree, Mediterranean Cypress, Mountain cedar, Mulberry, Olive, Paper mulberry, Silver birch, Sugi, Tree of Heaven, Walnut.

Insect Venoms

Common wasp venom, Fire ant venom, Honeybee venom, Long-headed wasp venom, Paper wasp venom.

Weed Pollen

Annual mercury, Hemp, Lamb’s quarter, Mugwort, Nettle, Pigweed, Ragweed, Ribwort, Russian thistle, Wall pellitory.

Farm Animals

Cattle, Goat, Horse, Pig, Sheep


Cat, Djungarian hamster, Dog, Guinea pig, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat.

Milk & Eggs

Camel’s milk, Cow’s milk, Goat’s milk, Mare’s milk, Sheep’s milk, Egg white, Egg Yolk


Chickpea, White bean, Lentil, Pea, Peanut, Soy.


Carrot, Celery, Garlic, Onion, Potato, Tomato


Barley, Buckwheat, Corn, Cultivated rye, Lupine, Millet, Oat, Quinoa, Rice, Spelt, Wheat


Anise, Caraway, Mustard, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley.

Grass Pollen

Bahia grass, Bermuda grass, Common reed, Perennial ryegrass, Rye, Timothy grass

House Dust Mites & Storage Mites

Acarus siro, American house dust mite, Blomia tropicalis, European house dust mite, Glycyphagus domesticus, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Tyrophagus putrescentiae

Fungal Spores & Yeast

Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Baker’s yeast, Cladosporium herbarum, Malassezia sympodialis, Penicilium chrysogenum

Fish & Seafood

Anisakis simplex, Atlantic cod, Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, Black-Tiger shrimp, Brown shrimp, Carp, Common mussel, Crab, Lobster, Northern prawn, Oyster, Salmon, Scallop, Shrimp mix, Squid, Swordfish, Thornback ray, Tuna, Venus clam


Avocado, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cherry, Fig, Grape, Kiwi, Mango, Muskmelon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Strawberry.

Nuts & Seeds

Almond, Brazil nut, Cashew, Hazelnut, Macadamia, Pecan, Pistachio, Walnut, Fenugreek seeds, Poppy seed, Pumpkin seed, Sesame, Sunflower seed


Beef, Chicken, Horse, House cricket, Lamb, Mealworm, Migratory locust, Pig, Rabbit, Turkey