Comprehensive Envi-Food Allergy Profile


Unlock detailed insights into your body’s reactivity with our Comprehensive Food & Environmental Allergy Profile. Detect 295 allergy triggers from 165 sources with our convenient at-home testing kit using IgE detection.


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What's Measured:

Scope of Detection: With our user-friendly at-home testing kit, detect 295 allergy triggers from 165 sources.

Food Allergens (IgE Reactivity):
This profile measures the reactivity of IgE antibodies in your blood to specific food allergens. An increased level of IgE antibodies indicates a potential allergic response.

The profile tests for the following allergens:

Plant-Based: Assess sensitivities to legumes, grains, spices, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Animal-Derived: Evaluate reactions to milk, eggs, fish, seafood, and meats.

Environmental Allergens (IgE Reactivity):
Measure the reactivity of IgE antibodies to specific environmental allergens. A heightened presence of these antibodies suggests a potential allergic response.

Allergens covered include pollen, mites, insect stings and venoms, fungal spores and yeast, and epithelial tissues of animals.

Allergens Covered:

Tree Pollen - 19
Acacia, Alder, Arizona Cypress, European Ash, Beech, Cottonwood, Date palm, Elm, Hazel, London Plane Tree, Mediterranean Cypress, Mountain cedar, Mulberry, Olive, Paper mulberry, Silver birch, Sugi, Tree of Heaven, Walnut

Weed Pollen - 10
Annual mercury, Hemp, Lamb's quarter, Mugwort, Nettle, Pigweed, Ragweed, Ribwort, Russian thistle, Wall pellitory

Grass Pollen - 6
Bahia grass, Bermuda grass, Common reed, Perennial ryegrass, Rye, Timothy grass

House Dust Mites & Storage Mites - 7
Acarus siro, American house dust mite, Blomia tropicalis, European house dust mite, Glycyphagus domesticus, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Tyrophagus putrescentiae

Fungal Spores & Yeast - 6
Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Baker's yeast, Cladosporium herbarum, Malassezia sympodialis, Penicilium chrysogenum

Fish & Seafood - 20
Anisakis simplex, Atlantic cod, Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, Black-Tiger shrimp, Brown shrimp, Carp, Common mussel, Crab, Lobster, Northern prawn, Oyster, Salmon, Scallop, Shrimp mix, Squid, Swordfish, Thornback ray, Tuna, Venus clam

Fruits - 15
Avocado, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cherry, Fig, Grape, Kiwi, Mango, Muskmelon, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Strawberry

Nuts & Seeds - 13
Almond, Brazil nut, Cashew, Hazelnut, Macadamia, Pecan, Pistachio, Walnut, Fenugreek seeds, Poppyseed, Pumpkin seed, Sesame, Sunflower seed

Meat - 10
Beef, Chicken, Horse, House cricket, Lamb, Mealworm, Migratory locust, Pig, Rabbit, Turkey

Cockroach - 2
American cockroach, German cockroach

Insect Venoms - 5
Common wasp venom, Fire ant venom, Honeybee venom, Long-headed wasp venom, Paper wasp venom

Farm Animals - 5
Cattle, Goat, Horse, Pig, Sheep

Pets - 7
Cat, Djungarian hamster, Dog, Guinea pig, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat

Milk & Eggs - 7
Camel's milk, Cow's milk, Goat's milk, Mare's milk, Sheep's milk, Egg white, Egg Yolk

Legumes - 6
Chickpea, White bean, Lentil, Pea, Peanut, Soy

Vegetables - 6
Carrot, Celery, Garlic, Onion, Potato, Tomato

Grains - 11
Barley, Buckwheat, Corn, Cultivated rye, Lupine, Millet, Oat, Quinoa, Rice, Spelt, Wheat

Spices - 6
Anise, Caraway, Mustard, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley

Others - 4
Latex, Hom s lactoferrin, Pigeon tick, Weeping fig

When to Test:

Recurring Symptoms: Consider testing if you're experiencing unexplained rashes, hives, digestive issues, or other allergy symptoms frequently.

Seasonal Changes: If your symptoms intensify during certain times of the year, it may hint at reactions to environmental allergens; thus, testing is advisable.

Dietary Concerns: If you suspect that specific foods might be causing adverse reactions, it's worthwhile to get tested.

Symptoms to Note:

Food Allergies: Watch out for symptoms such as hives, itching, stomach pain, diarrhea, facial swelling, or severe reactions like anaphylaxis.

Environmental Allergies: Common symptoms can range from sneezing, a runny or congested nose, watery and itchy eyes, and asthma flare-ups to rashes.