Calcium Levels


Take control of your health with our At-Home Calcium Levels Test. This simple test allows you to keep tabs on your calcium levels, which is vital for maintaining strong bones and overall bodily functions.

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What's Measured

Calcium Levels: This test measures the amount of calcium in your blood. Calcium is essential for bone health, nerve function, muscle function, and other bodily processes.

When to Test

Regular Health Monitoring: Especially beneficial if you have a family history of osteoporosis or kidney issues.

Experiencing Symptoms: Such as muscle weakness, fatigue, or frequent bone fractures.

Doctor’s Recommendation: If you have been advised to monitor your calcium levels by a healthcare provider, particularly if you are taking medications that affect calcium absorption or excretion.


High Calcium Levels: Fatigue, nausea, excessive thirst, and frequent urination.

Low Calcium Levels: Muscle cramps, numbness in the extremities, and bone pain.