Perimenopause Tests


Navigate the uncertainties of perimenopause with confidence. Our at-home Perimenopause Tests provide valuable insights into your hormonal health, helping you make informed decisions about your body and well-being.

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What's Measured:

Estradiol: Measures the levels of estradiol, a form of estrogen that is a key hormone for women's reproductive health, including the menstrual cycle and fertility.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Tests for LH, which is crucial for ovulation and menstrual cycle regulation. Changes in LH levels are often an indicator of perimenopause.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): Measures the levels of FSH, which helps control the menstrual cycle and the production of eggs. Elevated FSH levels can indicate a reduction in ovarian reserve and a transition to perimenopause.

When to Test:

Perimenopause Symptoms: If you are experiencing symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, or irregular periods, these tests can help identify if you are entering perimenopause.

Family Planning: Knowledge of your hormone levels can assist in family planning decisions, particularly if you are considering having children later in life.

Doctor's Recommendation: If a healthcare professional suggests that you monitor your hormone levels due to age or symptoms related to hormonal changes.

Special Instructions

Optimal Specimen Collection Timing:

Collect the sample on the third day of your menstrual cycle (day 1 being the first day of the period) if you have regular menstrual cycles.

If your cycles are somewhat irregular, wait until day 3 of your next menstrual cycle for sample collection.

For those who experience infrequent menstrual cycles 1-3 times a year, collect the sample at any time.

If you do not have a menstrual cycle, you can collect the sample at any time.

Guidance for Hormone Users:

Avoid collecting the sample if you are currently taking hormones.

If discontinuing hormone therapy, wait 6 weeks before collecting your sample.

Certain medications and supplements might affect test results. These include but are not limited to:

Prescription Medications

• Nexplanon
• Combined Hormone Replacement
• Progestin Only Hormone Replacement
• Estrogen Only Hormone Replacement (including vaginal)
• Mirena IUD
• Skyla IUD
• Kyleena IUD
• Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills
• Progestin Only Pills (MiniPill)
• Spironolactone

Over-the-Counter Supplements

• Thyroid Supplements
• Soy Supplements
• Chasteberries
• Red Clover

Biotin Supplements: If you take supplements containing Biotin (Vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R), wait at least 72 hours after your last dose before collecting your sample to avoid interference with the results.


Perimenopause marks a significant transition in a woman's life, accompanied by various hormonal changes. Monitoring key hormone levels can help in understanding and managing this phase. Here are the symptoms associated with changes in three critical hormones:


Hot Flashes: Sudden waves of heat and sweating, a classic sign of perimenopause.

Mood Swings: Emotional fluctuations ranging from irritability to sadness, often without a clear cause.

Dry Skin: Noticeable changes in skin texture, becoming drier and less elastic.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Menstrual Cycle Changes: Alterations in the regularity and flow of menstrual periods.

Absence of Menstruation: Skipping periods or completely stopping before the age of menopause.

Fertility Issues: Challenges in conceiving, often linked to irregular ovulation.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Irregular or Absent Periods: A common symptom indicating changes in the reproductive system.

Conceiving Difficulties: Issues related to irregular ovulation affecting fertility.

Hormonal Imbalance Signs: Includes mood swings, fatigue, and sometimes hot flashes.