Vaginitis (BV, CV, TV) Tests


Gain insights into your vaginal health with our At-Home Vaginitis Test. This comprehensive test covers the three most common causes of vaginitis: BV, CV, and TV. Ideal for diagnosing infections and managing symptoms from the comfort of your home.

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What's Measured

Bacterial Vaginitis (BV): Check for bacterial imbalance that can cause abnormal vaginal discharge and odor.

Candida Vaginitis (CV): Tests for yeast infection, often characterized by itchiness, pain, and white discharge.

Trichomonas Vaginalis (TV): Screens for this sexually transmitted infection, which can cause itching, burning, and discharge.

When to Test

Experiencing Symptoms: Itching, burning, abnormal discharge, or pain.

As Precaution: If you are sexually active and want to ensure you are not carrying or transmitting these infections.

Doctor's Recommendation: If you have a history of recurrent vaginal infections.

Special Instructions: Do NOT collect during menstrual periods. Do NOT collect the sample if pregnant. Do NOT use vaginal creams, gels, or tablets for at least 48 hours before the test. Refrain from sexual activity for at least 48 hours prior to testing.

Trichomoniasis has a detection window period of up to 4 weeks post-exposure. It is advisable to wait three to four weeks after potential exposure to the disease before undergoing this test to ensure more accurate results. Consider a retest if you believe you've tested too early or have recent exposure.

This test is intended for females over the age of 18.  This test does not detect most other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For broader STD concerns, explore our range of at-home testing options.

The risk of vaginitis increases due to:

Infections: Bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and STIs.

Hormonal Changes: Menopause, pregnancy, menstrual cycles.

Lifestyle Factors: Antibiotic use, douching, non-breathable underwear, sexual activity.

Diabetes: Poorly controlled diabetes can create conditions favorable for infections.

Weakened Immune System: From conditions like HIV/AIDS or chemotherapy.


Vaginitis tests are crucial for diagnosing different types of vaginal infections, each with its own set of symptoms:

Testing for a bacterial imbalance in the vagina is important, as it can lead to symptoms like abnormal vaginal discharge and a distinct odor. This condition is commonly associated with Bacterial Vaginitis.

Screening for yeast infections is another key aspect of vaginitis tests. Symptoms of a yeast infection typically include itchiness, pain during intercourse or urination, and a white, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge. These are indicative of Candida Vaginitis.

Additionally, tests for sexually transmitted infections like Trichomonas vaginalis are vital. This particular infection often presents with itching, burning sensation during urination, and a frothy, greenish-yellow discharge.

Recognizing and treating these different forms of vaginitis are essential for maintaining vaginal health and comfort. Each type of infection requires a specific treatment approach, making accurate diagnosis critical.